The first was Mim. Since this is my first trip to Ghana, I only know that this group built the pavilion that this church is now held in about five years ago. The people of this village have made a beautiful place to worship. They have built up the walls and created windows. They have also put up ceiling tile!
As we sat down at the front of the church looking out at the congregation, you could see the love for one another and for Jesus. It truly is amazing that only a few short years ago, these people had never heard of Jesus before. It is an amazing sight to see. One that you have to see it to believe it!
The people danced and sang loudly worshipping Him. The children in the back were singing and dancing as well. We couldn't stay long, but the people were so happy to see the group that helped build this original structure. These people take pride in what they do. You can tell by how well they have built up the church.
The second village we visited was Nkakom. This is a a pavilion that the group provided last year. We were able to stay longer through the service. We were welcomed with open arms. This was a small congregation, but when they sing, you would believe they are as big as our congregation.
We danced around as they took up the offering and continued singing. We listened to the pastor preach and we listened to Glenn preach as well. After shaking many, many hands we heard one last song and everyone was dancing and waving their arms. Even the little children were dancing and singing. We were given a love offering of fruit before we left. A lot of fruit!
God blessed us today with not only being able to see these villages and worship with them, but he provided clouds and a cool breeze for everyone.
It is wonderful to see and feel God's presence in these churches. I just know that he was there!
Blessings and praise,
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