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Monday, February 25, 2013

Presentations for the team

The team for the Dayton UMC 2013 mission, decked out in our new stoles commemorating the work in the Fosse Circuit.  Also pictured are Charlie and Mary Kay Jackson, our missionary friends assigned to Ghana that we met last year. 

Our presentation ceremony on the veranda of the Baptist Guest House in Accra.

The new church at Korko

The same events were also taking place at our other work location this year.  Cam brought the message to the new church while Joseph translated.  Both sites were blessed with new pavilions for worship.
Again, the entire team helps to present our gifts of Bibles for all ages and a bicycle for the Caretaker pastor.  Cathy is doing the honors for the youth illustrated Bibles.
Julie praying at Korko.

Notice the man with the traditional clothing next to Cam.  This is the chief of the village and the donor of the land for the pavilion.  He declared that this would be his church, a great turn of events for the Korko Methodists.

Sunday at Nweneso No. 3

Sunday is always a great day as we get to worship in the new churches we plant or expand through our ministry.  These photos are from the Nweneso No. 3 service.  (Notice the new spelling... we finally got it right for this village!)
Curt brought the message to forty seven adults and a number of children too mobile to count accurately.  This site is on a slope so the first order of business will be to level the land for the floor.

The entire team got into the act of presenting the Bibles, bicycle, children's materials and such. The Caretaker accepted the gifts from our church with grace.  His English was actually quite good. We look forward to seeing him and this church next year.
Celebration and dance at Nweneso No. 3

Yes, there is a Nweneso No. 1 and Nweneso No. 2 - just down the road from which we came.
Sue closes the service with prayer. She has been taking  all the pictures today.

A Welcome Visitor

Saturday night the Bishop of the Kumasi Diocese stopped by the mission house with his wife to personally thank the team and the Dayton United Methodist Church for the work we have accomplished in his region.  Not just this year but for the last six years of successful church planting and bringing new souls to Christ. His encouragement was a blessing to all.

Our second well this year completed!

Saturday was the last day for medical clinics and construction, children's ministry and preaching the Gospel. Also on Saturday, we stopped by the site where the second well was just completed. We will depart for the USA before the dedication ceremony with the Bishop.

Joseph is giving it the first go.

Bob led us in a brief dedication of our own before we headed back to the mission house. With our travel schedule, we will not get to see the third well site for this year at all.

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Dayton team with our Ghanaian nurses

The Gospel presentations...

With the distances out to this year's villages, we continue the practice of presenting the gospel message throughout the day rather than very late into the night. Here Isaac has begun the presentation to those gathered. You can see the structure that we are borrowing for the medical clinic in the background.

The very best part of all is when you see the faces of the villagers when they find salavation!  Praise God!

Korko medical clinics

By this second day at our Korko clinic we were really hitting our stride. The medical team saw 190 patients today! The village continues to be blessed!

Once a patient has an encounter form completed, they move over to vitals.  Julie begins that process by gathering height and weight. Our nurses then continue with things like blood pressure, temperature and triage.